
Membership in Theta—whether we’re alumnae or collegians—challenges us, supports us, and makes us better people. In turn, by supporting Theta, we gain opportunities to renew old friendships, contribute to a better world, and amass incredible experiences. By supporting Theta, we are part of something larger than ourselves.

By paying alumnae per capita dues, you can help fund alumnae programs; maintain record-keeping; establish new chapters; recognize 25-, 50- and 75-year Thetas; and continue your subscription to the Theta magazine.

Kappa Alpha Theta Life Loyal provides you another way to pay per capita dues – for life! – and receive all printed issues of the Kappa Alpha Theta Magazine. Learn more about Life Loyal.


About Greater Fort Myers Alumnae Chapter

We welcome you to join a terrific group of women who are members of the Greater Fort Myers Alumnae Chapter. Dues are collected at the beginning of the calendar year. Dues not only support our local alumnae chapter, but a portion also supports Kappa Alpha Theta's national programs that pay for your magazine, college chapters, fraternity education, and scholarships. The dues for our local chapter pays for mailings twice a year, supplies, Founders' Day, and special projects. Thank you for paying your annual dues and helping us shine as an award-winning chapter.

Life Loyal $25.00
Kite Level - Price: $57.00 USD
Regular membership $32 for national; $25 for chapter

Pansy Level - Price: $77.00 USD
Regular dues + $32 for National; $25 for chapter dues; and $20 for extra donation to our chapter.
